Blog of Paul Henderson


November 04, 2009
How does being forgiven increase ones love for God? Note: According to Jesus, God`s forgiveness is motivated by love.

Being forgiven increases one's love for God by realising  just what God has done for us.

 When I think of the sins I have committed, I find it incomprehensible  that God still loves me. More so, at the ordeal his son went through for me (us). He suffered the most appalling degradation, scorn, brutality, injustice, and profound physical and emotional pain. 

At the final point of death, the sins of the world washed over Jesus and God was enforced through his purity, to forsake Jesus; a pain I am sure he found intolerable....and yet...he still loves us! How can we not reciprocate! Especially given that all God wants is our love in return. 



By: Paul Henderson - November 04, 2009 - Public
Category: God Forgives You, If You Ask
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November 04, 2009
What is the Kingdom of God?

I perceive the kingdom of God to be a state of being whereby we dismantle the walls of our own 'kingdom' thus allowing Jesus to enter and reign in conjunction with the Holy Spirit. Resultantly, our reign consisting of adversity, turmoil and incompetence is transformed and the reign of the 'New King' brings love, peace and joy.  

Moreover, the instigation of Jesus as sovereign King of our domain results in repentance and obedience to his governance. One of his chief commandments were to love others as our self. It therefore follows that we assist other's to break down their kingdom walls, thus allowing them the joy in Christ and spreading the 'good news' as Christ commanded. 

By: Paul Henderson - November 04, 2009 - Public
Category: Good News: the Kingdom of God has come...
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October 29, 2009
Does Jesus believe lowly people are valuable? How valuable?

Jesus said that he had come to us in human form for the poor and lowly people. I cannot remember what verse or the exact wording...but he said he had not come for the righteous but for those in need of such. He came for those that desperately needed him. I love the analogy Jesus gave of a lost sheep. It is so poignant and true. Jesus camer for the lost sheep, not the sheep in the fold. Moreover, I believe Jesus saw beyond what we see. He saw beyond the veil of mere appearance and into our very soul. For example, God could see the intelligent, authoritative and passionate nature of Paul and transformed his priorities thus Paul became a great Christian teacher with the same inherent attributes he possessed as a Christian persecutor but with an enlightened perspective. Likewise with Moses and countless others. 

Jesus taught that the poor 

By: Paul Henderson - October 29, 2009 - Public
Category: Befriending and Promoting the Lowly
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October 29, 2009
"According to Jesus, what does it mean to be loved by God?"
Jesus teaches us that we are loved God to such an extent that he ordained his one and only son to be sacrificed (in a most brutal and evil manner) in order for us to be saved. Jesus informed us that God's love is so great, he is willing to forget all the sins we have committed, no matter how bad, if we just repent and turn to him and trust in his love and faithfulness and accept the sacrifice of his son as payment for our sin. Moreover, Jesus taught that all God asks in return for this love is to be believe and trust in the word of his son Jesus Christ and be faithful and obedient to his word. 

By: Paul Henderson - October 29, 2009 - Public
Category: God Loves & Values You
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October 21, 2009
Define "Compassion"?

Compassion is deep awareness of the suffering of another coupled with the wish to relieve it. Moreover, it is literally, suffering with another; a sensation of sorrow excited by the distress or misfortunes of another; pity; commiseration.

The compassion of Jesus is empathy not sympathy.

By: Paul Henderson - October 21, 2009 - Public
Category: Compassionate - Helping the Hurting
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