Blog of Editors


December 15, 2008
Why does God tell us to forgive?
Jesus tells us to forgive others mostly because it leads to our freedom. If we don`t forgive someone, we are a prisoner to our own bitterness and bad emotions. We are the ones who suffer most when we don`t forgive someone. Forgiveness is freedom.

Jesus has forgiven us of our sins and yet we are not worthy; we have done so many wrong things in our lives. He wants us to forgive others, whether they have wronged us or not. He wants us to forgive them just as He forgives us.

Read more on God`s amazing forgiveness here.

By: Editors - December 15, 2008 - Public
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December 15, 2008
How can I worship Jesus?
Worship involves recognizing the full superiority of the object or person being worshiped. Worship involves submission, surrender and focus. When you worship someone, you focus fully on them with a yielded disposition that allows them to be center.

To worship God in the real sense means to make Him central in your life and heart. This can only be done when you accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. He is the King of Kings. He loves you and He loves me. He draws our hearts to want to worship Him when we understand what He`s done for us.

Jesus said that the way to worship Him is "in spirit and in truth."  This means that we worship Him through His Holy Spirit, which He gives us when we accept Him as Lord and Savior. And we worship on the basis of truth, the Gospel as seen in the Bible.

Read why we should worship Jesus here.

Read how to receive the Holy Spirit here.

By: Editors - December 15, 2008 - Public
Category: My Blog
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December 15, 2008
Is God in everyone?
There are different ways of looking at this question because of semantics; it depends on what exactly you mean by "God in us."

If you mean, as many people erroneously believe, that God automatically abides in mankind, then the simple answer to the question is No. God is not in each of us. He cannot be in us because our sin (wrongdoing, wrong thinking) separates us from His presence.

Some people believe that God (or a part of God) is in everyone. They ignore the fact that mankind strayed from God and needs to willfully turn back to Him by accepting His provision for them to know Him--Jesus. The Bible teaches that without Jesus we cannot know God. In that sense, He is not "in" someone who has not surrendered their heart to Him through Jesus Christ His Son. In that sense, God lives in the hearts of those who have accepted His Son, Jesus, as their Lord and Savior. He abides in the hearts of those who have turned their hearts over to Him.

Read how to accept Jesus in your heart here.

But in another sense, God is in everything. And there is a spark of awareness about God in each of us. A verse in the Old Testament Bible (Ecclesiastes 3;14) tells us that God has placed the thought of eternity in our hearts. We are aware of Him. Another verse (Psalm 19) tells us that even creation reveals God`s glory. That is because God is omnipresent. He made each of us; therefore His fingerprints are upon us. Still, He does not automatically abide in us. In fact, His presence is not known where it is not wanted.

Mankind was originally created in God`s image and reflected God, but he fell from God`s image when the he chose to disobey God (seen in Genesis 3 in the Bible). This is why God sent His Son, as a provision and a way for us to return to God. Without surrendering his heart to Jesus, mankind no longer reflects God. We are marred by sin (wrong-doing, wrong thinking).

Still, we cannot ignore that God`s fingerprints can be seen within our design. (Look at DNA. DNA reveals such perfect and complex design that it points to a creator).

By: Editors - December 15, 2008 - Public
Category: My Blog
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December 15, 2008
Why did Jesus emphasize serving others?
Jesus emphasized serving others because that is His very heart-to serve others. He served us so perfectly that He died for us on the cross to manifest His great love.

Jesus also emphasized serving others and encouraged us to do so because serving brings us freedom. How does it work" Well, if you seek to serve others, you have to die a little more to selfish ambition. You have to surrender selfishness and cling closer to Jesus so that you can serve others. You are set free from the stronghold of self.

Serving others makes us give more of ourselves away. There is no greater freedom than decreasing so that we let Jesus increase in us (John 3:21). And the more He increases in us, the more easy it is to serve. The more I serve as unto Him, the more He`ll then increase in me. It`s a cycle of life, a circle of freedom.

Jesus emphasized serving others because He loves us and wanted to see us happy and free. Serving others is one of the ways to become happy and free--provided your service is centered in Jesus.

Our human nature wants to serve itself and promote self. Jesus wants us to serve others so we can be free and become more like Him. Let`s serve Him with all our hearts by serving others as He asks. There is no better way to live.

By: Editors - December 15, 2008 - Public
Category: My Blog
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December 15, 2008
What does it mean to be a servant leader?
Jesus is the greatest example of a servant leader we will ever see. In John 13, He washed His disciples` feet, showing them how to serve and not seek to please themselves.

To be a servant leader, you must be willing to serve and to lead others by setting an example of service. There are too many leaders who like to flash their authority around or bully people into doing what they want. These people manipulate and control. They are not real leaders but what the Bible calls, "wolves in sheep`s clothing."

A servant leader serves. He or she loves others. Their love for others draws people and through that love, they lead others.

By: Editors - December 15, 2008 - Public
Category: My Blog
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