Blog of Cynthia Hinck


January 08, 2008
What does the contrast between the small seed and huge bush teach you about the kingdom of God?
The mustard seed is carried by the wind and spreads across the earth and God's kingdom is just a wide and far in size as the the mustard seed can be send.   The mustard seed is better than any other herbs and birds are able to make their homes in its branchs because they are so strong.  God's kingdom is a strong and well built home for all that lives there and room for more to come and live there as well.

By: Cynthia Hinck - January 08, 2008 - Public
Category: The Parable of the Mustard Seed
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January 07, 2008
How did the disciples
Their fear of the strom at first was that they was going to drown when the ship sanked.  Their fear they had after wards was a fear of who Jesus was and how he could carm the seas as He did. 

By: Cynthia Hinck - January 07, 2008 - Public
Category: Jesus Calms the Storm
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January 05, 2008
Why was sending Jesus to live on earth such an effective way for God to tell people about Himself?
Jesus came to earth to provide a way for us to able to come to God and learn about God. Jesus taught how we can be saved and forgiven thought Him as our intermediate between God and us. 

By: Cynthia Hinck - January 05, 2008 - Public
Category: The Word Became Flesh
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