Blog of Rob Marsden


November 04, 2008
Health-Injury: How has Jesus helped you

I can tell you about my experiences. I love to golf as often as I can. But, my back goes out on me at times without notice. Some years ago I went out for 18 holes and didn’t warm up first. It was cool out and when I got up to the a par 5 hole, I hit it really hard and threw out my back. I was in bed for days and had to miss my classes. For months afterwards, I didn’t play at all. I was scared that it was going to happen again. I thought about giving up the sport and yet I get so much of my enjoyment of nature when I’m out playing.

I talked it out with a friend and mentor who has a lot of wisdom. After answering some of his questions I realized that I was feeling accusation that maybe golfing was a waste of time and something that God didn’t want me to do. I realized that I believed that God didn’t really want me to enjoy doing something that didn’t produce anything meaningful. I felt guilty for enjoying something other than God. I realized that deep inside I thought my back went out because God was punishing me for enjoying golfing. But, my mentor helped me realize that God created me in His image with likes and tastes because He wants me to be a unique expression of Him. I am being myself and God enjoys that. When I’m enjoying golfing, God is enjoying me enjoying golfing. In those times I am expressing a part of Him and worshipping Him in that experience.

I finally decided that I didn’t want my fears of getting hurt again to interfere with my enjoyment of a sport I love. It’s like having to get back on the horse when you’ve fallen off. Now, I take the time to warm up plenty before I play and I haven’t thrown out my back since. Instead, when I’m out on a course playing, I stop sometime at each hole and take in a slow deep breath and worship God right there in the beauty of nature. I enjoy being enjoyed by God just being myself. I don’t let my fears of my back going out again keep me from doing what I enjoyed. Well, just some thoughts, for whatever they are worth.

By: Rob Marsden - November 04, 2008 - Public
Category: My Blog
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November 04, 2008
Anxiety: How has Jesus helped you?

I can tell you all about anxiety – I’m the poster child. But I’ve found some things that made a big different for me. I went through some Christian counseling sessions that helped me find some keys to my anxiety. When I was younger my parents struggled in their finances. I came to realize that after seeing my parents hit some really hard times that I decided that I had to take care of myself because I didn’t want to hit bottom like my parent did.

I discovered that I had violated one of Jesus’ principles about not worrying. I learned that difficulties cause us to decide whether we can really trust in God’s goodness or if we are going to trust in our own abilities to get us out of it. If we trust that God really loves us, we will pray for God’s help and then wait on Him to come through for us. But, if we become anxious and fearful when facing difficult circumstances, we decide that we can’t trust in God to save us and so we take matters into our own hands. When we do that, we often react out of fear that only makes matters worse.

So, what I do now is whenever I am facing something that makes me scared, I remind myself what God said. God said He is good. That He loves me. That He cares for my needs (Jesus said that God meets all of the needs of the little birds and that I matter to him much more than birds). And that he will answer my prayers if I only trust in Him and wait for Him to show us and take care of things. So, I’ve been practicing this and it’s made a huge difference in my life. I still get scared when something unexpected happens in my life but I now have tools for dealing with it and turning it all over to God and waiting on Him to help me.

By: Rob Marsden - November 04, 2008 - Public
Category: My Blog
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