March 25, 2008
Why is it evil to use oaths?
Oaths, vows or swearing is a tactic that satan uses.  It's deception, lulling the listener into believing that the words said are the truth. Whereas, God is truth...He doesn't add anything to His words.

By: Susan Fry - March 25, 2008 - Public
Category: Oaths
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September 07, 2007
The Roman governor, Pilate, found that Jesus had done nothing wrong. Yet, he authorized Jesus` crucifixion to please the crowd. Can you explain why people put popularity above doing what is right?
Pilate was in a position that if he went against the wishes of the crowd and did what was right, he could have started a riot.  So instead of backing up the right decision, he went with what the people wanted.  It was easier to turn a blind eye to justice, rather than face the scorn of those around him.  I think we all face that type of dilemma at one point in our lives, or another.  We all see some injustice in our lives, but, standing alone to face up to fight for what is right might be too overwhelming for us as individuals.  Most times, we don't even know where to begin to fight for what is right.  And unfortunately, we just walk away and try not to think about it.  We, as Pilate, wash our hands of certain situations.

By: Susan Fry - September 07, 2007 - Public
Category: Jesus Before Pilate
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August 26, 2007
Why does Jesus encourage focusing on the daily task at hand and discourage predicting the future?
If you're always looking into what tomorrow may bring, your mind and heart are not on what is going on at the moment.  And thoughts stray away from what truly is important, and that's the love and grace of God.

By: Susan Fry - August 26, 2007 - Public
Category: The Day and Hour Unknown
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June 23, 2007
Why did the multitude want Barabbas released rather than Jesus?
The chief priests and the elders hated Jesus because He brought out their hypocrisies. They spread gossip and lies about Jesus throughout the land, and unfortunately most of the multitude believed these lies. It ended up that the multitude ended up hating Jesus just as much as the chief priests and elders. It didn`t matter which other prisoner there was to be released, as long as they now had Jesus where they wanted Him to be. They wanted Jesus to be crucified and that was all there was to it.

By: Susan Fry - June 23, 2007 - Public
Category: Jesus Before Pilate
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June 23, 2007
What did Judas gain by betraying Jesus?
I think Judas was confused. When Jesus came to the apostles, he thought that He would be a great leader, someone that would take control and set things right. ''A warrior and a King'' In Judas` mind, he could have thought that by handing Jesus over to the chief priests and elders, that it would force Jesus to take on this role; rather than the meek little lamb that Jesus currently was. '' I really don`t think Judas realized that there would be a second coming of Christ.'' When Judas saw that Jesus was condemned and that He was not fighting back, he felt great remorse. I think this is when it finally hit Judas that Jesus was actually going to die. Until this point, Judas thought that Jesus would call upon His Father or the angels to save Himself. How heavy was Judas` heart, how much pain did he feel for giving up on someone who he loved so dearly, how dirty did he feel receiving silver for his act of betrayal and how could he live with all these feelings" Do I condemn Judas for his actions" No, I pity him. Never judge another soul, for you do not know their intentions, only God Himself can know these things.

By: Susan Fry - June 23, 2007 - Public
Category: Judas Hangs Himself
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