knowing Jesus


April 07, 2008
Why was Jesus so willing, even eager, to heal the leper?
Jesus saw the Faith in the Leper

By: Bol Joseph Agau - April 07, 2008 - Public
Category: The Man With Leprosy
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April 04, 2008
How can you recognize whether you are entering through the narrow gate or are on the broad way?
My bad actions towards humanity is a broad way to me while the best actions that i do to the humanity for the sake of love and God fear will make me pass through the narrow gate.

By: Bol Joseph Agau - April 04, 2008 - Public
Category: The Narrow and Wide Gates
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April 03, 2008
Since God is such a generous giver, what is there that you (personally) should be asking Him for?
I SHALL be asking God to give me wisdom so that I can solve my problems and the problems of other people wisely.

By: Bol Joseph Agau - April 03, 2008 - Public
Category: Ask, Seek, Knock
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March 24, 2008
Why is it Jesus speaks so strongly against divorce and remarriage?
Jesus knows marriage is the basis of bringing up new life and making it immoral will terminate the originality and naturality God made it for.

By: Bol Joseph Agau - March 24, 2008 - Public
Category: Divorce
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March 20, 2008
In what ways are Jesus` followers salt and light to the world?
They carry the words and teachings of Jesus which are salt and light in them. By the time they teach the words they are like salt and light added to food and darkness respectively.

By: Bol Joseph Agau - March 20, 2008 - Public
Category: Salt and Light
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