Blog of David Marciniak


May 30, 2012
Why did Jesus answer a question with a question, rather than just telling the Pharisees by what authority He acted?
The Pharisees thought they were extremely clever and could trap JESUS. As it were, knew what they were thinking and answered as such for the time had not yet come whereby JESUS would be handed over. 

By: David Marciniak - May 30, 2012 - Public
Category: The Authority of Jesus Questioned
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May 29, 2012
What lesson do you think Jesus taught the disciples by cursing the fig tree?

It is my belief that JESUS was teaching them to have conviction and to believe with every fiber of your being.

By: David Marciniak - May 29, 2012 - Public
Category: The Fig Tree Withers
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May 29, 2012
Why did Jesus clear the temple in such a dramatic manner? Why did not he try to accomplish the same thing more diplomatically?

I suspect it was done in this manner for two reasons although there could be more. The first, was symbolic of a new order that would be led by JESUS and his ministry. The second, in order for the scriptures to be fulfilled, this action was necessary in order for the chain of events to occur which would ultimately lead to JESUS' death on the cross.

By: David Marciniak - May 29, 2012 - Public
Category: Jesus at the Temple
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May 28, 2012
Why did Jesus choose to make His entry to Jerusalem in a humble manner, riding a donkey?

JESUS led a very humble and poor life while on earth. If you think about the type of entrance a king would make into a city, you would probably imagine one that encompases a great deal of pomp & circumstance. In this dipiction, the greatest king to ever walk the earth choose to ride the back of a donkey, again reinforcing the fact that he practiced what he preached.

As I think about this event, his mother rode a donkey into Bethlemhem 30 plus years prior. I have never thought about tying these two event together prior to this point, but I'm wondering if these two events are tied together symbolizing the life of JESUS' has come full circle.

By: David Marciniak - May 28, 2012 - Public
Category: The Triumphal Entry
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May 26, 2012
Jesus asked the blind man what they wanted Him to do. What do you want Jesus to do for you?

Respectfully, I'd like for JESUS to continue to help me in many ways. Most importantly, growing closer to him and always tailoring my life and the way I conduct myself as JESUS did.

Secondly, to continue to bless me with the HOLY SPIRIT so that I may always be led by the SPIRIT and not by human nature.

Finally, I continue to thirst in many ways and would like to drink from the water that JESUS provides. The water that when consumed, you never thirst again.

For this I pray is JESUS' name. AMEN.

By: David Marciniak - May 26, 2012 - Public
Category: Two Blind Men Receive Sight
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