Blog of John Hagan


May 30, 2012
Why did Jesus answer a question with a question, rather than just telling the Pharisees by what authority He acted?
They, the Pharisees had made up their minds to trap Him with that question but they were cought in their own trap hence their refusal to answer the question.Poor they! they never knew who was in their mist because of their disbelieve.

By: John Hagan - May 30, 2012 - Public
Category: The Authority of Jesus Questioned
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May 28, 2012
What lesson do you think Jesus taught the disciples by cursing the fig tree?
Jesus taught the disciples to have unconditional faith that works to produce good result;because faith without works is death as the fig tree that failed to produce fruits died. 

By: John Hagan - May 28, 2012 - Public
Category: The Fig Tree Withers
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May 28, 2012
Why did Jesus clear the temple in such a dramatic manner? Why did not he try to accomplish the same thing more diplomatically?
He did that to change that bad practice that had gained roots right in the house of God.The manner with which He accomplished that feat also helped to establish himself as coming from God the Father.

By: John Hagan - May 28, 2012 - Public
Category: Jesus at the Temple
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May 27, 2012
Why did Jesus choose to make His entry to Jerusalem in a humble manner, riding a donkey?
It was to fufill what the prophets had spoken long about Him as their King.Yes, that prophesy had to come true.It was also to show the type of His Kingship opposed to what the Jews  had expected; a warrior  to free them from the Romans.

By: John Hagan - May 27, 2012 - Public
Category: The Triumphal Entry
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May 26, 2012
In what ways did Jesus serve when He was on earth? In what ways is He still serving now?
Jesus brought the Goodnews to mankind by  humbling himself whiles He was with us.This ,He continues to do on  our behalf before His heavenly father so that we can one day be  together with Him in paradise

By: John Hagan - May 26, 2012 - Public
Category: A Mother`s Request
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