A Lamp on a Stand
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Mark`s Biography of Jesus - A Lamp on a Stand

By: roke castro
Category: A Lamp on a Stand
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If Jesus came to show the world what God is like, what does this parable mean?
it means that Jesus is the light of God and so he is shining so that people can see God through him.

By: Sammy Mvoo
Category: A Lamp on a Stand
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Mark`s Biography of Jesus - A Lamp on a Stand
do not measure each others` life, possessions, ideas, mannerisms by your own, as those measures will be used to measure you. If your partner doesn`t see what you see or do what you do, that doesn`t mean you should measure them in your eyes. The only measure to live by is that of the Lord.!!! Amen

By: Norman Diotte
Category: A Lamp on a Stand
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If Jesus came to show the world what God is like, what does this parable mean?
It means that God wishes that all the world should be as He has planned it- pure, spiritual, and compassionate. Every man, woman, brother and sister, aunt and uncle, grandmother and grandfather should work together to reach a perfect harmony!!!!!! Amen

By: Norman Diotte
Category: A Lamp on a Stand
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If Jesus came to show the world what God is like, what does this parable mean?
Love is the lamp of the world, and its light should never being hidden under our selfish nature. We should be generous with the light that God has given us. The more light we share the more we receive.

By: Barney Mud
Category: A Lamp on a Stand
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If Jesus came to show the world what God is like, what does this parable mean?

By: Editors
Category: A Lamp on a Stand
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A Lamp on a stand
Jesus is giving example of a lamp. The candle, the design and use of which is purposed to give light to men. Here the Gospel, which is the candle of the Lord, He had lighted up in the evening of the Jewish world, in the land of Judea; it was not His will that it should be always, and altogether, and from all men, covered with parables, and dark sayings, without any explanation of them; but that the light of it should be communicated, especially to them His; disciples, who were to be the lights of the world, and which were to shine openly before men, for their good, and the glory of His heavenly Father. This parable meant that we are the disciples and we have to shine for Jesus.

By: Manoj Thomas
Category: A Lamp on a Stand
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A Lamp on a Stand
Jesus is telling us that He is the light of the world and destined to be revealed. The more we appropriate truth now, the more we will receive in the future and if we do not respond to what little truth we may know already, we will not even profit from that.

By: Kathleen Terado
Category: A Lamp on a Stand
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Lamp on the stand
This parable means Jesus should not be hidden where he could not be seen by those who want him. This means that all the christian churches in the world should use any means to put the word of God on a lamp stand

By: Bol Joseph Agau
Category: A Lamp on a Stand
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A lamp on a stand
Parable mean that the preaching of the Lord is to furnish knowledge and to give spiritual insight to men, not hiding the truth but to make it more understood and easily recognized by the mind. It is important also that we are attentive of what we heard, application is nescessary studying the Word of God should lead to its application without application can be dangerous too because a deeper knowledge to the scripture comes stronger judgment if you fail to apply them. God begins showing your areas of your life that needs to change and call you greater responsibility it would be better not to study without application, you will just be heaping more judgement on you.

By: narciso amabao
Category: A Lamp on a Stand
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A Lamp on a Stand

He said to them, "Is the lamp brought to be put under a basket or under a bed? Isn't it put on a stand? For there is nothing hidden, except that it should be made known; neither was anything made secret, but that it should come to light. If any man has ears to hear, let him hear."
He said to them, "Take heed what you hear. With whatever measure you measure, it will be measured to you, and more will be given to you who hear. For whoever has, to him will more be given, and he who doesn't have, even that which he has will be taken away from him."

Mark 4:21-25
Full Chapter

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