In what ways do followers of Jesus fish for men? What does this mean?
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In what ways do followers of Jesus fish for men? What does this mean?
It means that we live in such a way that it attract people to us and then we can tell them about Jesus and hopefully lead them to the most important decision of their life and that is to follow Jesus themselves.

By: Cynthia Buhs
Category: In what ways do followers of Jesus fish for men? What does this mean?
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In what ways do followers of Jesus fish for men? What does this mean?
it means that jesus got mens to follow him

By: Celeste BECK
Category: In what ways do followers of Jesus fish for men? What does this mean?
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In what ways do followers of Jesus fish for men? What does this mean?
Jesus' followers fish for men by following Jesus; ways: Jesus is focused on following God's will, He is selfless and humble.

By: Rudy Garcia
Category: In what ways do followers of Jesus fish for men? What does this mean?
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In what ways do followers of Jesus fish for men? What does this mean?
They left their nets,the boat and their father at once and followed Jesus, that is fished for men.If anyone wants to be a follower of Jesus,let him renounce himself and take up his cross every day and follow Jesus.

By: Takao Ogawa
Category: In what ways do followers of Jesus fish for men? What does this mean?
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In what ways do followers of Jesus fish for men? What does this mean?
Everybody would have different ways of being followers of Jesus. Some people will care for other people's needs. Others will be confident in their study of their religion and spread the good news of Jesus Christ.

By: Peter Price
Category: In what ways do followers of Jesus fish for men? What does this mean?
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