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Course Currently Studying Daily Jesus Course Start Date: Saturday Jul 01, 2006

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14 entries for this category:

Love one another
The greatest commandment that Jesus has taught us is Love. If we love our heavenly Father we will follow his commands and abide by His Laws. If we love our fellow man as our selves then we won`t even think of harming him as we also expect the same treatment from him. If our love is true and sincere then nobody can stop us from acheiving the heavenly glories that God has promised and kept for us.

By: Hywyn Singh
Category: Jesus Says God Loves You and Is With You
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Does Jesus believe lowly people are valuable? How valuable?
Jesus wants us to be humble but contrite as the Kingdom of God belongs to them. If we take the back seat then we will be called in the front, if we deserve but if we opt for the front seat and if we do not deserve then it will be more insulting than sitting at the back.

By: Hywyn Singh
Category: Jesus Befriending and Promoting the Lowly
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Promoting the Lowly
Jesus always kept a low profile life on this earth. He wants us to be like a child - innocent and honest. He taught how to humble ourselves so that we do not fight for the first or highest place. Also to give all that we have ''100%'' to the Almighty like the poor widow lady who had put two small copper coins. To the woman of Samaria ''Evangalist'' he wanted to give her the water of life stating that He had come on this earth for the sinners. About the fellowship He said to have company of the poor, crippled, lame and blind meaning we should not aim for only good things in life but enjoy life as it is ''filled with ups and downs''.

By: Hywyn Singh
Category: Jesus Befriending and Promoting the Lowly
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Brief Summary of Life of Jesus
Jesus born in Bethlehem and brought up in Nazareth. He led a low profile life as a carpenter upto the age of 30 and then began his public teachings . His reputation spread Nation wide and the religious leader of the Jewish people started plotting a conspiracy to capture him and punish him in public. The placed a number of allegations against Jesus but the Roman leader ''Pilate'' did not find any sufficient clause for his execution. But the religious leader insisted that Jesus be handed over to them to be crucified on a cross. Three days after his death on the cross Jesus resurrected from the dead, as he had promised. His claims that he was Son of God were real and people admitted it as large number of people turned their faith toward christianity. In 325 A.D Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Emperor, Constantine. Within 500 years number of temples of Greek Gods were converted into Churches. The main theme of this religion was Faith, Hope and Peace. Jesus Christ is the Way, Truth and Life. Who so ever believes in Him shall have Eternal Life.

By: Hywyn Singh
Category: Brief Life Summary: Who Was Jesus Christ?
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