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26 entries for this category:

"According to Jesus, what does it mean to be loved by God?"
To be loved by God means to have been created by Him, and to have a relationship with God. 

By: Suzanne Norris
Category: God Loves & Values You
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Does Jesus believe lowly people are valuable? How valuable?

Yes.  Jesus believed that lowly people are valuable.  The proof of his valuation of the lowly is found in the New Testament in his interaction with people.  The examples mentioned were specifically involving those that society did not value.  In addition, Jesus was concerned about the hunger (both physical and spiritual) of the 5,000 in John 6:1-15.  He believed they are so important, that he went out of his way, including into Samaria, to reach out to the lowly. 

How valuable are the lowly to Jesus?  We are important enough that although he knew he knew he would be beaten, humiliated, and crucified for our sake, he still went through with God's plan so that the lowly might have a restored relationship with God.  

By: Suzanne Norris
Category: Befriending and Promoting the Lowly
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the kingdom of God is that mysterious part of our belief.  It is what Jesus was talking about ...the good news.  Jesus himself said that the kingdom of God is not of this world and that we will not fully understand until He comes again.

By: Betty Smallen
Category: Good News: the Kingdom of God has come...
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"According to Jesus, what does it mean to be loved by God?"
According to Jesus, God loved us so much that He gave his only son to us.  Jesus also said that we were to be able to become joint heirs with him.  To this end, we must love God with all of our hearts, souls, and minds and He loves us back with no restrictions.

By: Betty Smallen
Category: God Loves & Values You
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Can a study of the life of Christ lead unbelievers to belief?

By: Betty Smallen
Category: Befriending and Promoting the Lowly
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Does Jesus believe lowly people are valuable? How valuable?

Jesus came to save the lowly and mistreated people as much as he did the rich and the famous.  He went out among the poor to minister and also to live and walk.  He felt that these people were as of as much value as anyone else.

By: Betty Smallen
Category: Befriending and Promoting the Lowly
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Define "Compassion"?

The explanation for compassion in the Merriam-Webster dictionary is "sympathetic consciousness of others' distress together with a desire to alleviate it." 

My understanding of compassion is based upon seeing the action of others towards those who need help, either physically, or emotionally.  

The true foundation for compassion in my life is that of Jesus Christ.  God was sympathetic to the sinful condition of man, and had a desire to alleviate this distressful condition.  Based upon Jesus' constant awareness of others' conditions, whether it be sinful and/or physical,  he never ran from those seeking help, but instead stayed and took time to resolve their issues.  

To me, compassion means taking action.  Compassion cannot be expressed by seeing someone in need and walking by them without stopping to see if you can help.  

By: Suzanne Norris
Category: Compassionate - Helping the Hurting
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What did you learn about Jesus` background that stands out or surprises you?

By: Roselene Amos
Category: First Century Context and History
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What did you learn about Jesus` background that stands out or surprises you?
Having visited the land where Jesus walked, I realized that I knew a lot of the material.  The information is well written and informative.  The sections of Religious and Educational Settings were of particular interest to me.

By: Betty Smallen
Category: First Century Context and History
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Brief Summary of Jesus

Jesus Christ, the son of God, was born of earthly parents to free the world from sin.

Born and laid in a manger, he was raised and started his ministry in Nazareth.  As his popularity grew, great crowds followed him.  The religious leaders became suspicious of him and persuaded the ruling Roman leaders to have him crucified.  After 3 days in the grave he arose again and later he ascended into heaven to sit with his father God.

By: Betty Smallen
Category: Brief Life Summaries
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