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Why did Jesus´ penalty for "sin" need to include physical and emotional pain - why not just spiritual separation from God?
Jesus was an ambassador, a divine emissary from Almighty God himself. He had many objectives on his mission to earth, but the main purpose was twofold. First he was to tell the entire world about God the Father, and the second purpose is spelled out so very clearly in 1 Timothy 1:15 "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners".

But in accomplishing this second goal, Jesus was going to suffer and die. But before he died, he was going to have every single one of your sins and every single one of my sins placed upon his soul. With those sins in place, he then allowed himself to be horribly tortured and murdered.

Giving up his existence as The Son of God, stepping out of heaven, taking the human form of Jesus Christ, and going through a horrible and painful death, was his main goal for coming here. For had God in the form of Jesus not paid your sin debt and my sin debt, then nothing else that Jesus did would have mattered very much because none of us would have ever had the chance of achieving eternal life and be able to spend eternity with him and his Father.
2 Corinthians 5:21 "For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God".
Truly, it was Christ's obedience that canceled out Adam's disobedience.

Having our sins placed upon Jesus didn't make him sinful. He was still God and therefore was completely sinless. At the time of his crucifixion Jesus simply "carried" our sins; a sort of temporary stand in for our sins. There was a transfer of sins; from all of us, to him. This is why the wording of
2 Corinthians 5:21 is so very important. That verse says, "For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." Christ was sinless, but willingly accepted every single sin, from every single person, that was or would ever be committed.

This transfer of sins was unseen by everyone but God because as he watched his Son hanging there dying, he could also see all those many sins piling up on his Son. It makes no difference that you would not be born for another 2,000 years. The sins of every human being that ever lived, or was going to live, had their sins all transferred over to Jesus. Not one single sin, regardless of how small, was left unaccounted for.

Why did it take his blood?
Had Christ expired via suffocation or heart attack, his death would have been in vain as far as salvation is concerned. It had to be death by the shedding of blood, for it is the blood that makes an atonement for the soul (Leviticus 17:11). That's why the Church was purchased with his own blood (Acts 20:28), why we are able to have redemption and the forgiveness of sins through his blood (Ephesians 1:7), and why the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin (1 John 1:7). Small wonder that 1 Peter 1:19 calls Christ's blood of a lamb without blemish and without spot.

The born again believer will sin again, in fact he will more than likely sin many times in the future, but he will not persist in an ungodly and sinful lifestyle. So what about those times when he does sin? All he has to do is confess that sin to God, repent by making an honest and sincere effort not to commit that sin again, and the blood of Christ washes away that sin.

But Israel generally chose not to bring peace and comfort to others, but became as selfish a nation as any other. However, God was preparing to send someone who would be able to fulfill his law (Isaiah 49:5-6), and who would bring true healing (Matthew 8:17). This was Jesus Christ, whose death on the cross paid the debt owed by every person for sin (Colossians 2:14), thus restoring people's relationships with God and allowing the Holy Spirit to dwell in each new believer.

Rather than doing nothing about suffering, throughout history God has been preparing the way for true comfort and healing to occur. Through the empowering of the Holy Spirit, each Christian can have a powerful impact on suffering in the world. This is what God wants, but he still allows each individual to decide whether or not to pursue him and bring comfort to others. Some may feel that he should have given up by now and taken over control again, but he claims he is being patient so that more can decide to have eternal comfort with him (2 Peter 3:9). By 'holy conduct and godliness' Christians can even hasten the arrival of the day in which God will restore justice and end all suffering (2 Peter 3:10-11). This is a powerful acknowledgement of the significant role God offers to every Christian. God offers help and guidance to anyone willing to bring comfort to others, but the responsibility lies with each person to choose to do so, or to choose to increase suffering in the world, either actively or passively, through neglect or apathy.

Category: Timeline & Words - Final Hours of Execution
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Why did Jesus´ penalty for "sin" need to include physical and emotional pain - why not just spiritual separation from God?

The reason why is stated clearly in Isaiah 53.

v4 Surely he(Jesus as man) took up our infirmities and carries our sorrows (emotional pain)...

v5But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, by his wounds we are healed. (phyiscal pain)

v6...the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all. ( Jesus was obeying his Father's will)

v10 Yet it was the Lord's will to crush him and cause him to suffer and though the Lord makes his life a guilt (sin) offering.

By: diana sarah ong
Category: Timeline & Words - Final Hours of Execution
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Why did Jesus´ penalty for "sin" need to include physical and emotional pain - why not just spiritual separation from God?
The reason why there had to be physical and emotional pain was because we live in a physical world, and also  because although Jesus Christ is God he was also very much human as well

By: James Johnston
Category: Timeline & Words - Final Hours of Execution
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Why did Jesus´ penalty for "sin" need to include physical and emotional pain - why not just spiritual separation from God?
Because JESUS wanted us to know that HE would be there even when we are been bodily beaten by someone  and that the emotionaly punishement by people talking about us and scaderlizing our name by saying all manner of bad things about us to others.  JESUS said that HE would never leave us or forsake us. JESUS  wanted us to realize that know matter what we go threw in life HE was going to be there.  JESUS know that our flesh is very weak and would commit many types of sins besides just being spiritually challenged.  HE knew us before we were ever formed in our mothers womb, so HE knew that we would commit murder, adultery, stealing and etc.


By: vanessa smith
Category: Timeline & Words - Final Hours of Execution
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Why did Jesus´ penalty for "sin" need to include physical and emotional pain - why not just spiritual separation from God?

In  Genesis 1,2   and 3 we read how God  created The  Earth and  then  Man. Ma was  offcourse created  in Three main doains; Body,Soul and Spirit. In  order  for man to be fully  cleansed and saved, all these  three domains  of  his  life has  to concidered. So  Our  Lord Jesus  has  fully  accomplished this when He conquered all  those ; Physical,Emotional and Spiritual pain to fully  returm man  to his family, God's Family.


By: filipe kaicoco
Category: Timeline & Words - Final Hours of Execution
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Why did Jesus´ penalty for "sin" need to include physical and emotional pain - why not just spiritual separation from God?
God knew us before we were born, knowing what we would be like in our lives. He paid the penalty for our sins in the torture he endured. He loves each and everyone of us and wants us to join Him in everlasting life in heaven with Him.

By: sarah brooks
Category: Timeline & Words - Final Hours of Execution
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"Was Jesus trying to incite his death (eg. temple cleansing, accusation of leaders?)
Jesus loved everyone and knew what God wanted of him. He wants each of us to join him with everlasting life in heaven. We are to follow him loving God with all our heart, mind, strength, body and soul. Praise God and let him know you love him.

By: sarah brooks
Category: Timeline - Final 1 Week
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Why did Jesus´ penalty for "sin" need to include physical and emotional pain - why not just spiritual separation from God?
IN ISAIAH 53:5 IT SAYS, "he was wounded for our transgressions,he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon him, and by his stripes we are healed." How wonderful that the Lord Jesus Christ suffered and died to redeem a sinful and lost world. We like the sheep gone a stray, but praise God, the Lord has laid on us the iniquity of us all. So this is to say that his penalty for sin was physical and emotional to indicate what sin is all about. Being just a spiritual separation it would not thought us any thing about his death and resurrection. It shows the pain he suffered for us, so that we can have eternal life through him. Otherwise we would take things for granted if it was just spiritual separation, because alot of us do not know about spiritual life. So when he died physiaclly  he would know what he went through for us.

URL: ....Z=en&l=14&aid=42&sg=648

By: yvonne grant
Category: Timeline & Words - Final Hours of Execution
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Why did Jesus´ penalty for "sin" need to include physical and emotional pain - why not just spiritual separation from God?

God wanted to show both christians and non-believers that His only begotten son too passed through the normal way of humans that later was meant to streghthen the faith of the believers and to convert non-believers alike. It's a sensationally touching lesson!

By: Duncan Master Ongaga
Category: Timeline & Words - Final Hours of Execution
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Why did Jesus´ penalty for "sin" need to include physical and emotional pain - why not just spiritual separation from God?
He went in this pain  because of my sin.Thats way today I m saved because of his emotional pain and love.He carry everything in that cross.We need to comfessin the scripture and stand in it

By: Kedibone Hlagala
Category: Timeline & Words - Final Hours of Execution
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