Where do you want Jesus´ help?
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Finances: How has Jesus helped
you Oh I just love these conversations! You all have such valuable things to share. Thanks to everyone for making a difference in my life. My husband and I have had a lot of financial challenges in the last couple of years. We got caught up in all the mortgage problems plaguing our country. We lost our home and had to move into something smaller and cheaper that we are renting. I was devastated. Our credit report tanked and that caused me all kinds of sleepless nights. But just like God, he turned it all around for our good. We were able to make some changes and now we are in better shape than ever. I came to realize that I was trusting in our jobs (we both work), our home and our credit report more than we are trusting in God. Now that my world was turned upside down and we came through it and life is still good, I learned that God really does love me. God really is taking care of me. He is involved in my life. He is doing things unseen everyday. When we were in control of our life, it was hard to experience God’s goodness. But, when our lives were shaken, there was God right in the middle of it taking care of us. I learned that when I trust in God, it releases him to do miracles in my life. Now I don’t want to experience difficulty any more than necessary but I know that God works all things for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purposes. Blog of: Debby Franks From: United States of America |
Finances: How has Jesus helped
you My husband and I always struggled with jobs..he worked for himself.. But Jesus ALWAYS came through for us. We never went without... now my husband passed away four months ago and I am standing firm that Jesus will see me and my daughter through... I know he will help us because he said he would, and also he always has. I thank God that I know him and can rely on him though anything. I love him sooo much. Blog of: Gina Hamel From: |
Health-Injury: How has Jesus
helped you I found out before Christmas of 2008 that I had cancer. Instead of feeling sorry for myself I decided to enjoy the holiday with my family and close friends. My chemo started January 2, 2009 and radiation followed the Monday after. I have had two surgical procedures as well. Every day driving to my therapy I would think of Jesus and ask Him to be with me. I also would pray to God that His Will be done onto me. I found great comfort in doing this. So far to date I am now cancer free. Amen Blog of: Patricia Ritter From: |
Finances: How has Jesus helped
you He has helped me beleive that I am human not an alien! I can be myself and stand through these troubesome times with Jesus right beside me whispering in my ear!!! Blog of: Lauren Tribe From: |