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90 entries for this category:

"Was Jesus trying to incite his death (eg. temple cleansing, accusation of leaders?)
No, Jesus was not trying to incite His death.  Before the foundation of the creation of this world and man, God foreordained the need of His own Son to be the propitation for the sins of this world. This truth was first revealed in the garden of Eden, Gen. 3:15:  "And I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel."God came in the form of humanity in the life of Christ that we might know God the Father and bring us to Him.  For as Christ said so many times He who knew Him knew the Father.  He pointed out what was an abomination to the Lord regarding the priesthood and their pride in the position, He revealed Himself as the Son of God, the Messiah, and He proved Himself in the healing of the sick, the blind seeing, and raising up the dead--that they might believe in Him.  Throughout the Old Testament it was all predicted His coming and that He would be the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world. God  put to death His only Son because Jesus took the full warth of God even unto death on the cross that I might live, for  the wages of sin is death, and so it was for this reason that Jesus had to die. This is the only reason, all else were instruments of the hand of God to bring this to fruition His plan.

By: Peggy Bishop
Category: Timeline - Final 1 Week
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"Which of these purposes do you believe Jesus accomplished?"
Jesus was able to show people that His father's love was supreme by the incredible miracles that he performed. He not only astounded them but also gave them reason to live beter lives. He gave people hope not only for now but in the here after. He told time and time again that He was here as a sacrifice to mankind. Jesus promised that "Everyone that believes in him should not die but have eternal life. For God did not send his son into the world to be its judge, but its savior." (what better news is there than to know you have banked a nice place to spend eternity by following God's rules here on earth.)
As an example Jesus is selfless and giving and willing to move ahead knowing that in leading a rightous life God will supply what you need. I would say he accomplished them all.

By: John Rothrock
Category: Statements of Purpose
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"Which of these purposes do you believe Jesus accomplished?"

Every one of them!

There has never been another person on the Earth who was better able to demonstrate God's love. By His miracles, His message, and by His sacrifice He was the finest example ever.

No one has ever had better news.

He reached out to the masses despite incredible exhaustion, walked mile after mile to reach the lost, and finally gave His life through a tortured death. That is sacrifice!

He was raised from the dead so that all may live. He gives us access to the power of heaven. That is abundant life.

Even the religous authorities of the time were incredulous at His complete understanding and excellent teaching about the Kingdom. Those who had devoted their lives to learning from the scriptures went to Him for teaching.

By: Sharron Gordon
Category: Statements of Purpose
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If you had a one-on-one meal with Jesus, what would you discuss?

If you had a one-on-one meal with Jesus, what would you discuss?

I have no idea! A flood of ideas comes to mind, but the more I think about it, the more I think I'd just sit in humbled awe just admiring Him.

How does Jesus link intimacy to him with obedience to him?" a "New" commandment?

Anyone who understands the Sacrifice and His Love will be humbled into obedience and submission. Our flesh and our own stubborness causes us to walk away from Him occasionally, but someone with a true heart for the Lord will notice a loss in closeness and will run back to the Saviors side quickly.

Jesus wants us to obey Him because we want to and because we love Him. Not because we fear Him or because we are seeking a great reward. He have His life for us because He loves us... not because He was obligated in any way to save us.

By: Sharron Gordon
Category: Invite Me to be Close to You
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Why does Jesus call "Love One Another" a "New" commandment?

Nothing like this had ever been 'commanded' before. All the do's and don't's were followed in order to achieve a 'holiness'. This caused those who were able to obey the laws to the letter to develop a type of arrogance that put others down. The love Jesus is commanding is the type that serves others... even those who are 'sinners' and those who act hatefully towards us. In this day, those who were afflicted with 'bad luck' or physical ailments were viewed as terrible sinners - unclean. The unclean were outcast and avoided at all cost. Jesus was commanding His followers to do the exact opposite of what society taught and go to the afflicted with open arms.

????What has been the hardest 'love test' God ever gave you? Were you able to overcome the flesh and love a difficult person anyway? How did that person respond to your love?

By: Sharron Gordon
Category: Love One Another
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"Which of these purposes do you believe Jesus accomplished?"
I think Jesus accomplished all these purposes-- that`s why the Bible records them! I find it profound that Jesus can do this so completely. He enters our world because of love for us. This love compels him to save us from our lost lives lived apart from and ignorant of God. He does this by teaching and demonstrating the good news of what life in God`s kingdom is like. He provides himself as the source of this good life for us, and he sacrifices himself for us ''his creation'' to pay our debt of wrongdoing. He thinks of all this from beginning to end. He thinks of what we need ''unity and love with God'', how we need it ''teaching that we can understand, examples the help us'', and he pays the price of our sinful behavior so it doesn`t stand in our way of coming close to God. How kind and gracious is the love of Jesus for us!

By: Mark Lauer
Category: Statements of Purpose
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How does Jesus link intimacy to him with obedience to him?" a "New" commandment?
Love proves itself through obedience. If I truly love Jesus, then my life should reflect that love through my embrace of  his teachings, guidance, and convictions. Most simply, I must therefore love others, as well-- just as Jesus has loved me. That is part of obedient love. I cannot love only God. True love of God leads me to love others. Loving others makes clear whether I truly love God and am willing to walk obediently with Jesus.

By: Mark Lauer
Category: Invite Me to be Close to You
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If you had a one-on-one meal with Jesus, what would you discuss?

Yikes! I am posting this reply late, but here goes...

I would want to listen for a long time. It is easy for me to think that I would want to ask for his wisdom and help to make decisions, or to ask what I should do with my life in the next few years. However, I think I would take the opportunity to listen first. It`s so easy to get focused on my own life and miss what he may want to say to me. I would ask Jesus to speak to me about anything he wished and then simply listen. From the gospels, I know Jesus` character and his way of talking with others, so I would expect that he would ask me questions that address my needs in life. He would ask questions that force me to examine my motives, emotions, goals, and my understanding of God and God`s Kingdom on earth. I think a discussion with Jesus would be the most engaging discussion I would ever have, and he would likely bring up the things I need to understand and deal with in my own life, as well as whatever encouraging words he wanted to offer or what of his own heart he simply wants to reveal. Jesus says in John`s gospel, I have called you friends. I`m glad to be his friend and share my heart and hear anything he wants to say.

By: Mark Lauer
Category: Invite Me to be Close to You
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"Which of these purposes do you believe Jesus accomplished?"

Absolutely He accompished all these purposes, especially the last statement of helping people understand the Kingdom of God.  This especially He talked about, but I really don't think even today people get it any more than they did again.

Most everyone then and now that care anyway see the cross as the demonstration of His great love, for truly what He did was take upon Himself the full wrath of God.  Throughout the Old Testment there are documented historical recordings that are met to teach us, God is the Creator of all life, that He is a Sovereign God who made life for His good pleasure and for His glory.  This redemption was all part of the plan before anything or any one was made, for the Lord wanted to be glorifed in that He knew man would fall and because He loved them He would make the only way to restore them to Him, Himself coming to earth in the humanity of His Son, Jesus Christ who would be crucified to literally save us from the wrath of God who hates sin.  That's the good news, the testimony of Christ being the bondservant to ransom or literly save us from the wrath that is met for those who reject Him. For the Kingdom of God is the promise for those who understand that Jesus Christ is the Savior, the propitiation for our sins and  no one can come to God except through this Son.  It's not just confessing our sins and being good and doing works, it's believing He is the Son of God and surrendering our lives completely in to His control that we may be born again. To love God with all our heart and minds and love others and that can only be accomplished throught the power that is in Christ and the working of the Holy Spirit He has given to us that we may mature and grow and be the children of God, and be the light and salt to the lost all around us.

By: Peggy Bishop
Category: Statements of Purpose
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If you had a one-on-one meal with Jesus, what would you discuss?

I think I would spend so much time thanking and praising Him face to face, it would be hard to think of anything else and probably cry with joy.

By: Peggy Bishop
Category: Invite Me to be Close to You
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