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Why did Jesus´ penalty for "sin" need to include physical and emotional pain - why not just spiritual separation from God?
Jesus suffered physical and emotional not just spiritual separation from God because He wants to feel the pain we humans are experiencing due to our sins.  He did it to demonstrate His great love for all of us and bore the consequences of mankind's sins. He showed us that He is willing to do everything in order for us to receive the salvation God the Father is offering us.  Glory be to our Almighty GOD. 

By: susan viray
Category: Timeline & Words - Final Hours of Execution
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Why did Jesus´ penalty for "sin" need to include physical and emotional pain - why not just spiritual separation from God?
Our daily lives include these issuesi emotional pain, physical pain, seperation from God. This was the price that Jesus paid but he remained faithful right to the end. He never doubted God. Jesus' death is an example for us that no matter how heavy our cross is, God is always with us, He carries that cross for us and we should never doubt Him for He will never forsake us.

By: Sophia Ince
Category: Timeline & Words - Final Hours of Execution
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Why did Jesus´ penalty for "sin" need to include physical and emotional pain - why not just spiritual separation from God?
His office of priesthood (High priest) required that he presents blood as a ransom for the remission of sins committed by mankind as stipulated in the law;remember he came to fulfil the law. Every high priest had to take blood as a sacrifice to the holy of holies.Therefore Jesus had to take the most perfect sacrifice ie his own life to the throne of God .Christ is the reality of the old Testament sacrifices. Thats how he lives interceding for us todate.Anything less his physcal,emotional suffering would under rate the new Testament; it was only and only sealed by this true sacfrice, the blood of the lamb. 'By his strips we are healed.'what an amazing mistry! In other words;Jesus' physical,emotional suffering was for the accomplishment of the mission of redemption for the lost mankind according to God's purpose...It had to cost his life(Thats how he paid the debt for us to be free from sin and the fear of death)It was the price for our truimph and victory over satan, sin and death. Thanks be to God.

By: fred kutosi
Category: Timeline & Words - Final Hours of Execution
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Why did Jesus´ penalty for "sin" need to include physical and emotional pain - why not just spiritual separation from God?
Pain physically and emotionally is what we humans experience on a daily basis. Far be it for anyone who doubts the great unconditional love and mercy the Father has demonstrated, to put His Son through such excruciating unfathomable agony on our behalf, that anyone could claim "God doesn't understand what I'm going through!" OH YES He surely does!! The ultimate sacrifice to fulfill the whole Law and prophets alongside the sins of all mankind past present and future HAD to be on ALL levels. God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the three persons in One have accepted the ransom for us and now swing wide the Gates of Heaven for those that see their Saviour and Lord as the Way to never being separated from Love, which is God, and brings us Joy Peace patience kindness gentleness and self-control. Put Jesus on trial---He will always win on Cross examination!! :^) Praise the King of Kings

By: Alicia Previn
Category: Timeline & Words - Final Hours of Execution
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Why did Jesus´ penalty for "sin" need to include physical and emotional pain - why not just spiritual separation from God?
Jesus' penalty for Z"sin" needed to includephysical and emotional pain because in order for Jesus to pay for our sins he had to feel our own pain suffer in the physical form in order to take away our sins.

By: brenda okotkotber
Category: Timeline & Words - Final Hours of Execution
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He did it just for us!!

Because of God's great love,He gave something which meant more to Him than anything He had with Him in eternity.His Son!Because He knew that the wages of our sin would result in death-He gave!Because He loved us more than any other creature created -He gave.His forgiveness of our sins became grounded when He allowed the nails to be hammered through his hands.He canceled the record that contained the chareges against us.Freedom from Sin-Our sins are taken away from us,wiped clean away,to start on a new clean slate.

He allowed the crown of thorns to be pushed deep into His head so that we could be free from our labour on earth producing thorns and thistles as was the curse.He reversed the curse of sickness on our lives by allowing the whip to gash His flesh.

By: morongwa Stella
Category: Timeline & Words - Final Hours of Execution
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Why did Jesus´ penalty for "sin" need to include physical and emotional pain - why not just spiritual separation from God?
First of all, I agree with you that Jesus’ penalty payment had to include physical and emotional pain, or God would have found another way. The question is, why couldn’t he have simply (is that possible?) have separated himself from Jesus spiritually without all the suffering of the cross?

I cannot imagine, actually, that Jesus could have experienced spiritual separation from the Father without at the same time experiencing physical and emotional pain. That is the definition of hell, to be separated from God and the resulting pain such separation causes.

But I think the other thing to consider is that if Jesus would only have experienced spiritual separation and there was no way to observe his suffering, we would not have had the assurance we need that God has fully taken on our pain, has been accustomed to pain all our existence, and embraced that pain in such a way that He redeemed the experience. We suffer so much exactly because we are made in God’s image, but we sometimes think that He is somehow exempt from pain. The cross has forever put that myth to rest. We still cause God pain when we “grieve the Holy Spirit” (Ephesians 4:30). We can come to see that God is in pain when we go through physical and emotional pain ourselves.

By: George Atta Opoku
Category: Timeline & Words - Final Hours of Execution
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True Sacrifice
Jesus, had to endure all the physical torture because he was taking our place. A spiritual being does not feel emotional pain and as a result God had to be "human" to undergo human suffering and emotional pain. If he had not experienced this transformation, we would probably still have to offer animal (blood shed) sacrifice as was the norm in olden days.

By: Kay-Ann Ricketts
Category: Timeline & Words - Final Hours of Execution
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why did Jesus penalty for "sin" need to include physical and emotional pain-why not just spiritual separation from God.
because Jesus had become human and so had to undergo all the emotions that humans face hence paying the full price.

By: sylvia nakabugu
Category: Timeline & Words - Final Hours of Execution
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Why did Jesus´ penalty for "sin" need to include physical and emotional pain - why not just spiritual separation from God?
Jesus died for our sins which had to be a painful and emotional death. If it would have been painless ...what would that prove? It had to be a death that anyone but the son of god would not go through. It challenged even his spirit. But he knowingly did so for us.

By: tony licata
Category: Timeline & Words - Final Hours of Execution
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