Puerto Rico
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Puerto Rico
everyone in Puerto Rico is welcome
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Number Of Members:: 24

Migdalia Velez
Puerto Rico

Ibrahim Baig
Puerto Rico

Wilfredo Esquilin
Puerto Rico

joe torres
Puerto Rico

Eduardo Torres
Puerto Rico

Socorro Ramos
Puerto Rico

Valeria Flores
Puerto Rico

Deb Nieves
Puerto Rico

marie samano
Puerto Rico

Teresita Vera
Puerto Rico

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18 entries for this category:

How would most people around you answer, "Who is Jesus"?
All the people around me will answer that Jesus is the son of god and that he gave his live for our sins

By: Socorro Ramos
Category: Peter`s Confession of Christ
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By allowing twelve extra baskets of bread, what might have been Jesus` subtle message to the twelve tribes of Israel?
He was showing them to compasion for orthers and to have faith

By: Socorro Ramos
Category: Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand
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Jesus was born in israel 200 yrs. ago and was raised in nazareth.he lived a normal life working as a carpenter.

Jesus repeatedly claimed to be God wichwas a violation of the jewish law wich caused some religius dudes to tell the roman empire to execute Jesus.But since he obeyed the law they couldnt find a reason to execute him.But in the end they convinced Pilate and they executed him in a cross where he died in three hours. But 3 days later in front of 500 witneses Jesus resucitated earning thousands of new beliver's in the name of Jesuschrist. 

By: Valeria Flores
Category: Brief Life Summaries
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