A Prophet Without Honor
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Jesus could not do a mighty work in his own town among relatives because of disbelief. What is disbelief?
Doubting, not believing...

By: Alex Santiago
Category: A Prophet Without Honor
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Jesus could not do a mighty work in his own town among relatives because of disbelief. What is disbelief?
disbelief is fear in what we are not comfortable with which can cause distrust and doubt

By: Dee
Category: A Prophet Without Honor
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Jesus could not do a mighty work in his own town among relatives because of disbelief. What is disbelief?
Disbelief is no faith. Do not believe. The people in Jesus` own country, Nazareth, knew Jesus from baby to His preaching and healing days. The people did not believe Him had the power to heal or perform any miracle.

By: Allen Yong
Category: A Prophet Without Honor
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Jesus could not do a mighty work in his own town among relatives because of disbelief. What is disbelief?
Disbelief is the oppsite of belief. The people in the own town of Jesus offended Him because Jesus grew among them and they thouht it is a cheat that He has power to heal and heavenly wisdom. They knew Jesus as the son of Mary , a carpenter , and brother of James and Jude and Simon. Knowing their thoughts , Jesus said that a Prophet is not honored in His own Town and among His relative. Jesus was marveled and did little work of healing the sick right at His own town because they did not believe Him.

URL: http://www.jesuscentral.com/lerning/course/myclass/php

By: Christopher Banda
Category: A Prophet Without Honor
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Jesus could not do a mighty work in his own town among relatives because of disbelief. What is disbelief?
When we are too stuck in the ordinary and cannot see the extroardinary powers of God that can plant a seed and bring forth a miracle everywhere anytime. We must pray with all our osuls and hearts and minds and trust and unconditionally love God knowing that whatever he decides to make happen ''or not'' is for our good. God loves us. He has a grand plan and the suffering is a rose ''Maximilain Kolbe'' that he offers to the ones he loves the most. Pray and offer it to the souls in Purgatory as wew go through our purification here. Sometimes though we are too closed in our little world of common men meassure reassurances that we cannot see that Good cause we do not believe that there is. Keep sailing and you`ll see the shore. But we stop rowing and get despearte. When trusting in Jesus we can even walk in water. Look at him. Draw from his divinity.Move forth. He is the Carpenteer with the capital C. A book on Peter the Mature Man i ma reading at the momnet by Terry something. We make that Kingdom become bricks in his hands if we trust him to work us to the Fathers` plan. If...

By: Alessandra Parrini
Category: A Prophet Without Honor
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Jesus could not do a mighty work in his own town among relatives because of disbelief. What is disbelief?
This word disbelief is a cronical disease of which no doctor can ever attempt to cure. If thou will permit me to ask a little question, it goes-- what is the most dangerious disease? He who does not know will sat that it is AIDS, TB, GONOH. and other unmentioned dreaded disease. But let me tell you that it is DISBELIEF or UNBELIEF as another similar word. NOW-----disbelief is an act of refusal to believe the Lord`s report. Isaish said in his book chapt.53:1 who had believed our report? and on whom is the hand of the Lord revealed? Failing to believe of what God is saying about you can ruin your life, like what happened in the 2kings, 7:1-20 concerning the Kings officer who refused to believe and was suffering from this disease called DISBELIEF doubted the word of God. another thing is that common sense told him that it is impossible. without knowing that nothing is impossible to God says Luke , 1:37. Therefore, with this little preambles makes the relatives and villagers of Christ not to profit in the ministries of Christ. And beloved who will pass through this pamphlet, listen to me the Lord says refusal to believe His words and promises dries up the strength in you and causes spiritual death. So do not make your life a playing ground for the devil. Only believed in every promises the Lord has made for you. As your doing this may the Almighty God help you and as well fortified your soul to obey Him in Jesus name-Amem.

By: Evangelist Victor C. Ant
Category: A Prophet Without Honor
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Jesus could not do a mighty work in his own town among relatives because of disbelief. What is disbelief?
Hello dear friends, This has huge significant to us today.Jesus was born not as king in a kraal and he grew up as a carpenter.So people who saw Jesus from childhood didn`t believe b`se they knew him from A to Z so they knew his family and some there hearts were stiff to the extend that even when he performed miracles, they still doubted him.People`s point of view will always look from your background and then determine what you can and what you cannot do which is not the same principle with God.So they used his backgroud to disguise his words and miracles and hence making Jesus perform few miracles in his home town.

By: Aorone Wright
Category: A Prophet Without Honor
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Mark`s Biography of Jesus - A Prophet Without Honor

By: roke castro
Category: A Prophet Without Honor
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Mark`s Biography of Jesus - A Prophet Without Honor

By: roke castro
Category: A Prophet Without Honor
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Jesus could not do a mighty work in his own town among relatives because of disbelief. What is disbelief?

By: Sammy Mvoo
Category: A Prophet Without Honor
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A Prophet Without Honor

He went out from there. He came into his own country, and his disciples followed him. When the Sabbath had come, he began to teach in the synagogue, and many hearing him were astonished, saying, "Where did this man get these things?" and, "What is the wisdom that is given to this man, that such mighty works come about by his hands? Isn't this the carpenter, the son of Mary, and brother of James, Joses, Jude, and Simon? Aren't his sisters here with us?" They were offended at him.
Jesus said to them, "A prophet is not without honor, except in his own country, and among his own relatives, and in his own house." He could do no mighty work there, except that he laid his hands on a few sick people, and healed them. He marveled because of their unbelief.

Mark 6:1-6
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