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Why did Jesus´ penalty for "sin" need to include physical and emotional pain - why not just spiritual separation from God?

It is because the executioners and the people do not understand or believe that Jesus is God.  One of the major missions that Jesus came to earth is to save our sins.  Therefore, the Lord sent Jesus to this world as an human being.  When Jesus painfully died for our sins and then rised from the death, the people can experienced that Jesus is different.  He is the God.

By: viv Name
Category: Timeline & Words - Final Hours of Execution
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Why did Jesus´ penalty for "sin" need to include physical and emotional pain - why not just spiritual separation from God?
JESUS CHRIST has to undergo the two punishment due to this following reasons 1)that he has to pass through this punishment in order to fulfil the purpose in which he came to these earth for.the physical punishment show to us how sin punishes the man/woman who are under its hold. 2) The emossional punishment shows to us how GOD fills about a man that is under the hand of sin..

By: oshiogbhe thompson
Category: Timeline & Words - Final Hours of Execution
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Why did Jesus´ penalty for "sin" need to include physical and emotional pain - why not just spiritual separation from God?
It is because of the way God used to forgive the sin of the people from the begining. Priests used blood of animals to cleanse the sins of the people. Jesus the son of God become the scrifice for our sins. Therefore for the Jesus to died has to face both physical and spiritual separation from God. In another way is also to show that whoever want to follow him has price to pay, that sometimes you need to suffer and sometimes to be separated from your friends,family and relatives for the sake of God. 

By: Josephat Mushi
Category: Timeline & Words - Final Hours of Execution
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Why did Jesus´ penalty for "sin" need to include physical and emotional pain - why not just spiritual separation from God?
Jesus aleays wants his people.He knows that, being a human being, there are chanches when we get tempted and follow the words of satan. To make us realize the reality and to bring us more near to him, the penality for sin is a must or else slowly we will be hipnotized by Satan and will be going far from the path of truth.

Category: Timeline & Words - Final Hours of Execution
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Why did Jesus´ penalty for "sin" need to include physical and emotional pain - why not just spiritual separation from God?
Because He Belives that we are just a mere human being created from Dust and need to include the physical and emotional pain to let us know that there is life after death, and that is the penalty

By: Amuzu George Y A
Category: Timeline & Words - Final Hours of Execution
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Why did Jesus´ penalty for "sin" need to include physical and emotional pain - why not just spiritual separation from God?
The result of sin is death. So when Adam sinned,it required for us to go through physical,spiritual and relational death. But instead of us God came as a human being through christ and died on the cross, it had to be physical so he could experience it that way because we are physical beings so to say and He just had to be and go through that in the very state we are

By: Bowas Lwipa
Category: Timeline & Words - Final Hours of Execution
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Why did Jesus´ penalty for "sin" need to include physical and emotional pain - why not just spiritual separation from God?
"Our righteous Messiah has departed from us; we are horror-stricken, and there is none to justify us. Our iniquities and the yoke of our transgressions he carries, and is wounded for our transgressions. He bears on his shoulders our sins to find pardon for our iniquities. May we be healed by his stripes?" In a similar vein” The meaning of 'He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities,' is that since the Messiah bears our iniquities, which produce the effect of His being bruised, it follows that whosoever will not admit that the Messiah thus suffers for our iniquities must endure and suffer for them himself."  However, no one would have imagined that the Messiah would accomplish his work of salvation through his own death. Scripture teaches that the Messiah's terrible suffering is a necessary step toward infinite glory. He is pictured not only as a great king, but also as humble, humiliated, and rejected. He bears the consequences of mankind's rebellion. Yet he is raised up to intercede for, and richly bless, his people. The Messiah, having accomplished the full obedience that Adam and Israel failed to achieve, will bring the nations back to God.Despite his innocence, he would endure the consequences, or penalty, for sin for the entire world. Although we deserved sin and death for our sin, Jesus Christ, the Messiah, paid the penalty by his death on the cross. We escaped certain death and eternal separation from God because of his willingness to love us and bring us back to God. His cry, "My God," indicates an intimate relationship between a Father and a Son that cannot be broken. Jesus was not rebelling against his Father’s will when he asked that the cup of suffering and separation be taken away. In fact, he reaffirmed his desire to do God’s will by saying, “Yet I want your will, not mine.” His prayer reveals to us his terrible suffering. His agony was worse than death because he paid for all sin by being separated from God. The sinless Son of God took our sins upon himself to save us from suffering and separation.

By: Brian Govender
Category: Timeline & Words - Final Hours of Execution
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Why did Jesus´ penalty for "sin" need to include physical and emotional pain - why not just spiritual separation from God?
He needed to experience what we experience in death, but His death was a horrible one

By: Mike Munson
Category: Timeline & Words - Final Hours of Execution
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Why did Jesus´ penalty for "sin" need to include physical and emotional pain - why not just spiritual separation from God?
Because our sins separate us from God not only spiritually but also physically. Once our ancestors - Adam and Eve - were driven out of the Garden of Eden, we have been separated from God entirely. If Jesus wants to reconciliate human beings with God, his penalty must include all pains produced by our sins so that he can save the whole of each of us. Moreover, on the Last Day, dead bodies will be raised, that is, our bodies will be redempted, and the raised is imperishable. If Jesus panalty for sin didn't include physical pain, our bodies would no way be resurrected. What a disaster that would be!

By: David Amoateng
Category: Timeline & Words - Final Hours of Execution
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"Was Jesus trying to incite his death (eg. temple cleansing, accusation of leaders?)
Jesus did not incite his death for any ways. He did what he did for the sake of fulfilling the purpose of his mission. The temple cleansing was done to show that the temple will be the place where the God will be worshiped. Jesus want us to stop thinking of anything else when we are in the temple. The leaders are required to serve the people and not otherwise. Telling people what they should do and how is surpposed to be done to those who does it properly is not a problem, but to those who want to do it for themselves is insult. whatever Jesus was for the kingdom of heaven. 

By: Josephat Mushi
Category: Timeline - Final 1 Week
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