12 entries for this category:
 | Who is Greatest |
This is an easy one. Who else in the history of mankind brought glory, peace, love and kindness, and took all our sins on his shoulders with no comment? Jesus!!!!!!! He is the Greatest!!!! By: Norman Diotte Category: Who is Greatest? |
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 | Does Jesus believe lowly people are valuable? How valuable? |
Whoever receives one such little child in my name, receives me, and whoever receives me, doesn`t receive me, but him who sent me.mark 9:37.if we understand this verse we will understand the value of everyone of god`s children to him.although he said this about the children who were surrounding him i think this applies to everyone of us be they rich or poor , for he telling us in this verse that if we recieve this child in his name then eventually will end up recieving him who sent jesus .he also tells us that in order to be the first''first into the kingdom of god, first in the eyes of god''he should also be the last and a servant to all, thus jesus is asking us to love and befriend those whom we think are lowly....for these are valuable people for god to the extent which it will lead you to jesus and eventually to the kingdom of god and to our salvation.there are many other verses in the bible where we are told to love eache other and not differenciate according to social differences etc but i think the most important example is the fact that God the word became flesh to dwell among us we who are all lowly compared to him and was willing to die for us , thus his compassion was not just a lesson he was teaching us but an actual fact and an act performed by him for us, as is his love and befriending when he was willing to become flesh and show himself to us, and also offer his blood for our salvation.i dont think we need more than this for us to understand the importance of the human beings i.e his creation, and the the value of each one starting with the lowly. By: Annie Goetcheryan Category: Who is Greatest? |
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