Jesus the Scandal
Home > Modern Descriptions of Jesus > Jesus the Scandal
The scandal actually
began before Jesus was born. A young woman became pregnant before the
wedding. We can detect the sting of the offense later in Jesus' life
when the mocking crowd says "Isn't this Mary's son...? In Jesus'
day children were identified as being their father's sons - unless there
was no father.
the occasion of the birth the scandal only got worse. The long-awaited
Messiah born in a stable, not a palace; wrapped in rags, not in silk;
asleep in a feeding trough, not an ivory crib.
scandal fanned into flame when the ministry of Jesus began. Now everyone
who came into contact with Jesus, it seems, stumbled because of Him.
The priests, who we might have expected to recognize and glory in the
coming of the Messiah, were offended by Him. Twice, Jesus destroyed
their temple marketplace...
priests and Pharisees (religious leaders), as well as the other "religious"
people of Jesus' day were offended by the company that He kept. The
outcasts of Jewish society, the "sinners," the "people
of the land," as the Pharisees called them. Tax collectors, prostitutes,
and lepers were frequently gathered around Jesus. His forgiving stance
toward them was more than the "religious" people could bear.
He went so far as to pronounce their forgiveness, something the scribes
and Pharisees knew only God Himself had the authority to do. And of
course, they were right.
own disciples stumbled because of Him. Jesus spoke (recorded in John's
chapter 6) of eating His flesh and drinking His blood. John tells us
that upon hearing this many of His disciples were offended and left.
From Michael Card's, "Immanuel, Reflections of the Life of Christ."
Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN. Copyright 1990.
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6 entries for this category: | Jesus Scandal |
A young woman became pregnant before the wedding. We can detect the sting of the offense later in Jesus' life when the mocking crowd says "Isn't this Mary's son...? In Jesus' day children were identified as being their father's sons - unless there was no father. Upon the occasion of the birth the scandal only got worse. The long-awaited Messiah born in a stable, not a palace; wrapped in rags, not in silk; asleep in a feeding trough, not an ivory crib. The scandal fanned into flame when the ministry of Jesus began. Now everyone who came into contact with Jesus, it seems, stumbled because of Him. The priests, who we might have expected to recognize and glory in the coming of the Messiah, were offended by Him. Twice, Jesus destroyed their temple marketplace... ...Both priests and Pharisees (religious leaders), as well as the other "religious" people of Jesus' day were offended by the company that He kept. The outcasts of Jewish society, the "sinners," the "people of the land," as the Pharisees called them. Tax collectors, prostitutes, and lepers were frequently gathered around Jesus. His forgiving stance toward them was more than the "religious" people could bear. He went so far as to pronounce their forgiveness, something the scribes and Pharisees knew only God Himself had the authority to do. And of course, they were right. Jesus' own disciples stumbled because of Him. Jesus spoke (recorded in John's chapter 6) of eating His flesh and drinking His blood. John tells us that upon hearing this many of His disciples were offended and left. By: Mary Jones Category: Jesus the Scandal |
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 | Even the Gays? |
Perhaps the worst tragedy to befall a human being is to be caught up in sodomy/homosexuality/the gay lifestyle. I have met several contented gays[Contentment coming from their educational status/job and salary/possessions(house/car/bank account/etc.) but I am yet to meet a happy homosexual. Those contented gays to whom I have spoken all confessed that "something" was missing from their lives. Actually some told me that they cried out in prayer and fasting to God for relief from their homosexual unhappiness.... but to no avail.{Maybe God wants to send us to them but we have not responded to His missionary call as yet} Think for a moment of how absolutely unhappy these people are. When they come out of the closet, they don't really do so in defiance of society. This is their way of subconsciously reaching out for some someone out there to offer them hope and comfort. Isn't that what we Believers are supposed to be there for? Scripture tells us that, in the early Church, God called homopsexuals to repentance["But ye are washed"]. We need to forget ourselves and reach out to offer comfort and help to members of the gay community. We must not shun them. Don't approve of their lifestyle... but....don't leave them helplessly wallowing in the filth of their demon-influenced lifestyle of hopelessness and painful distress. Above all, pray for the gays that you personally know about! By: ttselnew Category: Jesus the Scandal |
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 | What a Caring Being! |
Prior to His birth as a human, the frailty of men already began to impact on Yashua/Jesus. Being called a bastard["We be not born of fornication"] will hurt anyone in the circumstance. Being called insane["He is beside Himself"] is worse. Being called a child of the Devil["By Beelzebub, He casts out demons"] is the worst of all. Yashua/Jesus took the hurt and pain of rejection ...... but He didn't mope and sulk in a corner. Instead, He went out and comforted humans who were just as hurt and cast out. Naturally they warmed to Him. The woman taken in adultery["Where are thine accusers?"] was so appreciative of the comfort given her by Yashua/Jesus that she followed Him ardently from then on.(She was actually the first human to see the risen Christ). Human beings, egged on by the Destroyer - the Devil, hurt other humans. We as called out ones, Believers, have to follow Yashua's/Jesus' example and go out to comfort our distraught neighbours. The ball is in our court. By: ttselnew Category: Jesus the Scandal |
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 | In order to acquire territories they preached the Gospel of Jesus.Therefore their gorgeous cathedrals were builded. |
and getting on ships flying Western flags with cannons by force, missionaries of Jesus visited these Japan`s shores. People by compulsion of religion detest even now Jesus in Japan except Christmas and their wedding ceremonies. By: Takao Ogawa Category: Jesus the Scandal |
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