Does God want all my money?
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Does God want all my money?
God wants your heart.  How you use your money is evidence of where your heart is. God doesn`t need your money since He`s God and made everything and can make all the money He wants.

God doesn`t need money. However, God asks you to learn to give--not because He needs your money, but because He wants you to learn to trust Him and to let go of your selfishness. That is perhaps one reason why He implemented tithing.

You can never out-give God. If you give to God, He will honor it. It is a step of faith and it shows your willingness to let go of something that`s usually very dear to most people--money. It is a way of letting go of our selfishness. It is a way of being free, and watching God bless us in unusual ways.

God does want you to learn to surrender all your belongings to Him, though, so that He can guide you as to how best use them for His glory, and for your own good. But He is a gentle God and will give you plenty of opportunities to grow in yielding your possessions to Him more and more as you grow in faith.

NOTE--yielding your possessions to God does not necessarily mean that you won`t have possessions.  It simply means that you are aware that He is the one who allowed you to have them, and you want Him to be the one to show you how to use them or what to do with them.

By: Editors
Category: Does God want all my money?
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Does God want all my money?
God does not want my money. Because what i have belongs to my God. I have nothing in this earth. My life depends on His blessing for me to continue living, serving and loving Him till the end.

By: vilma tiu
Category: Does God want all my money?
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Does God want all my money?
there is no money

By: Jasmin Step
Category: Does God want all my money?
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Does God want all my money?
i belive that in any good position you found yourself he has made you up there for you to be abel to help other in need not to you self alone,by doing this you are proving to he that all you have belongs to God.

By: moses nwansi
Category: Does God want all my money?
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