How would Jesus explain his statement that ''The Kingdom of God is within you?''
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Luke`s Biography of Jesus - The Coming of the Kingdom of God
Make the kingdom of God our first priority. Jesus says seek first the kingdom of God, and everything else will be given to you. What is God's kingdom? What is it we are supposed to be seeking? It's a lot of things, but for starters it includes things like people being freed from guilt through the forgiveness that Jesus brings. People who are far from God and other people being reconciled through Jesus. People in economic hardships being liberated. In our own lives God's kingdom means experiencing his love in real ways and becoming more like Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. Now if those are the things we are striving for, if those things are our first priority, we don't have to worry. It's not that we won't encounter hardships, we will. But if our first priority is being part of what God is doing in our world and in our lives, we don't have to worry about the hardships, because God is going to get his kingdom done in us and in the world no matter what. Because one of the cool things about God is, he's God! He's omnipotent. And omnipotent is a really good thing to have on your side. It's the ultimate ?my dad's bigger than your dad? deal. Our dad and his kingdom are bigger than all our worries put together. The whole Bible is one long book about what God wants to do in the world and in our lives. It's a great book, I highly recommend it. But it is a little long and I know some of you maybe haven't finished it yet. So let me tell you how it ends: We win. We win.

By: Scott Dudley
Category: How would Jesus explain his statement that "The Kingdom of God is within you?"
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